What IS Systemic Change?

Welcome to Jim Needham's

"A Former Board member's view from the OTHER side of the table."
Molalla River "BoardWatch" Website

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It's a good time to pray for terrorist victims!

Since the Board of Education will no longer be providing video-taping for cablecast (effective July, 2002), suspended delivery of the "Molalla River Reporter" and stopped communication with the "Educational Ambassadors" (September, 2002) I have tried to provide information regarding education concerns for interested persons:


OSBA Conference Summary

I was thoroughly impressed with the presentation of Mr. Jamie Vollmer.  He told a story about how he had compared schools to businesses until he met a nondescript lady teacher who educated him to the fundamental difference between education and business:  The school systems and their staffs MUST accept ALL the product brought to them regardless of whether they are optimal or less than optimal!

A prevailing theme which I observed was the many successes of the school systems in spite of the fact that the school systems had been developed in 1690 (or thereabouts) to:

1. Teach basic reading, some writing and arithmetic skills, and

2. Cultivate values that serve a democratic society (some history and civics implied).

Since then there have been at least 62 new programs added (since 1910).  I believe that the teachers of our children are performing above and beyond anything that could EVER be expected of them!

Another theme which emerged was the idea that it was CRUCIAL that the community be invited to become involved in educational policy setting.  Not by inviting them to OUR turf, in the school, but by meeting them on THEIR turf:  churches, community activities, organizations, and meetings which should be attended by Board and/or staff to communicate the goals and receive feedback from the community!