Refuse to "play politics" in either the
traditional partisan or in any other sense within the school organization;
Respect the right of school patrons and employees to
be heard at official meetings,
within the provisions of Board policy;
Recognize that authority rests with the Board only in
official meetings;
Recognize that a Board member has no legal status to
act for the Board outside official meetings, except as delegated by Board vote;
Refuse to participate in meetings which are not
official and which all members do not have the opportunity to attend;
Refuse to make individual commitments on any matter
which should properly come
before the Board as a whole;
Recognize that the superintendent is the educational
advisor to the Board and should be present at all Board meetings except when his/her contract and salary are
under consideration;
Refer all complaints or problems to the proper
administrative office and discuss them at regular meetings only after failure of administrative solution;
Present personal criticisms of any school operation
directly to the superintendent rather than to school personnel;
Insist that all school business transactions be on an
ethical and above-board basis;
Refuse to use his/her position on the Board for
personal gain or prestige;
Advocate honest and accurate evaluation of all past
employees when such information is requested by another school district;
Give staff the respect and consideration due skilled
professional personnel.