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"A Former Board member's view from the OTHER side of the table."
Molalla River "BoardWatch" Website

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It's a good time to pray for terrorist victims!

Since the Board of Education will no longer be providing video-taping for cablecast (effective July, 2002), suspended delivery of the "Molalla River Reporter" and stopped communication with the "Educational Ambassadors" (September, 2002) I have tried to provide information regarding education concerns for interested persons:


Molalla River School District
Board of Education — Minutes
September 12, 2002

Board members present:         Mary Beyer, Karyn Gibbons, Ralph Gierke, Steve Kraxberger, Deneen Munson, Jim Needham, Janette Palmer

Staff present:                           Alice Ericksen/Superintendent; Pam Monte/Administrative Assistant, Dave Peterson/Business Manager

Chair Janette Palmer called the meeting of the Molalla River School District Board of Education to order at 7:38 p.m. and established that a quorum was present.

Dr. Ericksen introduced Cory Alexander, the community resource officer/DARE officer for the District. Chief Kelsey, Molalla Police Department wrote a grant, "Cops in Schools", and secured the funding for an additional resource officer. Officer Alexander said that he would be in the school five days a week at Molalla River Middle School, Molalla Elementary and Molalla High School. He will also be at Mulino and Dickey Prairie as the DARE officer.

Review/Changes to the Agenda

Resolution to revisit Board Working Agreements

Action Item
Reprimand of a Board member

M02-14      A motion was made to add the reprimand of a Board member to the agenda.
Motion passed 6-1 (Needham opposing)

Mr. Needham expressed his opposition to this addition.


Declare Surplus Property

The high school is getting new siding and windows with money from a settlement from a
contractor. No district funds are being used for this project. As a result we have windows that were installed improperly and we are having new windows installed. Therefore, we have an opportunity to make some money off of the old windows if we declare them surplus.

Also, they are doing some house cleaning at the Natural Resource Center and they have made a list of equipment they wish to dispose of.

Mr. Gierke stated that there were three items that needed to be removed from the list that had been prepared for the Board. Those items being: the sink, it will be installed at the site, and the two counter tops and the hot dog cooker, which belong to the alumni.

Molalla River School District
Board of Education - Minutes
September 12, 2002

M02-15          A motion was made by Mrs. Gibbons, seconded by Mr. Gierke to declare the windows removed from the Molalla High School and the revised list of equipment from the Natural Resource Center as surplus property. Passed unanimously. 7-0

Resolutions for Superintendent Search
Bob Bums, Oregon School Boards Association, is the representative helping the Board in the
superintendent search.

Mr. Burns outlined the dates that he will be going into the individual schools to talk to staff and community members. He is looking for Board volunteers to go with him. Also, on October 10 he will be giving a presentation at the Chamber of Commerce meeting and would like Board members to attend with him.

The schedule is as follows:

September 25

Middle School
Molalla Elementary

3:00 p.m.
3:45 p.m.

September 26

High School
Rural Dell

3:00 p.m.
3:45 p.m.

September 27


3:45 p.m.

September 30


3:45 p.m.

October 1

Molalla High School
Open Forum

7:00 p.m.

October 2

District Office
Dickey Prairie

2:30 p.m.3:45 p.m.

October 3

Maple Grove

3:45 p.m.

October 4

All surveys to be returned to Pam Monte

October 10

Chamber of Commerce

12:00 p.m.

The Board was informed that the qualifications survey for the superintendent will be going in the September newsletter to all patrons of the district.

Mr. Burns has completed his review of the Board's policies and the job description for the superintendent. He stated that the Board may want to review the position description and may want to address later the qualifications requirement as it pertains to years of experience as a principal.


Molalla River School District
Board of Education - Minutes
September 12, 2002

Mr. Burns presented a series of resolutions for Board approval.

1. Approval of Superintendent Search Calendar (attachment #1);

2. Approval of Roles and Responsibilities of involved parties (attachment #2);

3. Approval of estimated budget of $10,000 to conduct the search;

4. Appointment of Pam Monte to serve as district's confidential contact;

5. Approval of process for in-district applicants:

a. In-district applicants who meet the Board's adopted qualifications shall be granted an

6. Approval of required application process, including:

a. Application form;
b. Letter of application including management and educational philosophy, and    how you meet the stated qualifications;
c. Current resume including transcripts from all colleges attended;
d. Proof of licensure (a copy of Oregon license or statement of eligibility);
e. Three current letters of recommendation;
f. Other materials of choice;

7. Approval of a screening committee to assist the Board in the evaluation of application
8. Approval of use of screening committee Confidentiality Agreement (attachment #3).

M20-16            A motion was made by Mr. Gierke, seconded by Mr. Kraxberger that the Board of Education approve the procedures and activities to facilitate the superintendent search process as presented. Passed unanimously. 7-0

Next steps:

• Layout meeting dates

• Begin developing brochure

• Determine makeup of screening committee

• Review qualifications on October 17

• Approve qualifications on October 24

• Announcement of vacancy on October 28

• Appoint screening committee November 14

• Determine date for orientation of screening committee

Policy KG-AR - Facilities Use
The Board conducted a work session on August 29 to review me Community Use of School Facilities Policy. Recommendations were made and those changes have been incorporated into the Administrative Rules for policy KG. Although the Board does not need to approve ARs, this one is coming before the Board due to public concerns about the topic.

M02-17            A motion was made by Mrs. Beyer, seconded by Mrs. Munson that the Board of Education approve the changes to policy KG-AR Community Use of School Facilities as presented. Passed unanimously. 7-0


Chair Palmer stated that the Board currently has three standing committees: Policy Committee, Educational Ambassadors and Negotiations Committee.

Molalla River School District
Board of Education - Minutes
September 12, 2002

Chair Palmer opened the floor to take nominations for these committees. Mr. Gierke stated that we have never taken nominations and we have always let people go in the areas where their expertise lies.

Policy Committee: Steve Kraxberger, Karyn Gibbons, Mary Beyer (alternate)
Educational Ambassadors: Mary Beyer, Deneen Munson, Jim Needham
Licensed Negotiations: Ralph Gierke, Mary Beyer, Janette Palmer
Classified Negotiations: Karyn Gibbons, Deneen Munson

M02-18            A motion was made by Mr. Gierke, seconded by Mr. Needham to approve the standing committees for 2002-2003. Passed unanimously. 7-0

Although the current financial picture for schools across Oregon is still not clear, the Board of Education met in a work session on September 5 to discuss a course of action should funding levels drop.

M02-19           A motion was made by Mr. Gierke, seconded by Mrs. Beyer that the Board of Education go on record by stating that pending the results of the current legislative session and the outcome of Ballot Measure 19 fails, that the Board of Education will be proposing that we reduce our calendar by a minimum of 9 student days up to 18 student days. Passed unanimously. 7-0

The Board is not in favor of reducing the calendar but they are forced into doing it due to reduced funding. Districts across the state are all facing the same issues.

Reprimand of a Board Member
Chair Palmer's introductory statement reminded the Board and the public that every Board member has the commitment to serve the children of this district.

Mr. Needham was given the choice of discussing the charges in executive session or in an open public meeting. Mr. Needham chose to have it take place in tonight's open meeting.

Chair Palmer stated that the Board was presented with a copy of a letter documenting interaction with a patron and Mr. Needham that was found to be inappropriate. In addition his continued public ridicule of board decisions is unacceptable. Mr. Needham's use of his personal web site and the media to defame and undermine board decisions is in violation of the board's working agreements. The serious nature of a citizen complaint against a Board member cannot be overlooked. The Board asked to hear from Mr. Needham regarding the interaction before they make a decision on a course of action.

Chair Palmer wanted to make it clear to all Board members, that this discussion be conducted in a professional manner. They must make sure of their legal obligations and to remember that this is a public meeting.

Molalla River School District
Board of Education - Minutes
September 12, 2002

Mr. Gierke stated that he was uncomfortable with the timeline and would expect that appropriate notification should have been allowed to enable a person to clear their thoughts. Twenty-four hours would allow ample time to prepare.

Chair Palmer reminded Mr. Gierke that she and the vice chair had met with him on Monday. At that time Mr. Gierke made a specific request that Mr. Needham be made aware of the complaint and that she meet with him 15 minutes prior to the executive session meeting. Mr. Gierke stated that he was not aware that he put a timeline on it and he was hoping then that he would have at least a 24-hour notice.

Mr. Needham asked if these policy violations could be more specific. In regards to the letter of complaint from the patron, he stated that on this occasion he had attempted to initiate a casual conversation with the complainant and to avoid issues that he thought the complainant would find objectionable. In spite of that, he felt he was subjected to several critical remarks from the complainant. He apologized if he offended the complainant, as that is not what he set out to do.

In November 2001 he was presented with alleged violations submitted by his associates. He felt that those allegations were never substantiated.

Mr. Needham stated that in regards to his web site he simply provides information about the activities of the Board. He stated that he has tried to be objective and tried to observe the agreements and policies of the Board.  He feels he has always been receptive to any changes that anyone might suggest to his web site.

Chair Palmer brought attention to board policy BBF - Board Member Ethics: A Board member has the right to express personal opinions. When expressing such opinions in public, the Board member should clearly identify the opinions as personal. In the working agreements of the Board it is specifically stated that a Board member is to support the decision of the majority after being offered the opportunity to express their viewpoints and vote their convictions. She feels he uses his web site and the most recent letter to the editor to undermine and disrupt the decisions of the Board.

In November 2001 Mr. Needham received a letter from the chair and vice chair of the Board expressing great concern and disapproval over his continued actions with regard to his association with the MAPS Governance Committee and the use of his web site to promote their cause.

Mrs. Munson stated that the problem is the tone that Mr. Needham uses in his web site commentary. He is derogatory in his remarks and is not knowledgeable of Board actions.

Mrs. Gibbons added that he puts half-truths on his web site and in his letter to editor. In regards to the September 5 worksession be stated that this was the first and only worksession to discuss the budget. That is misleading to the public as we have discussed these issues in many meetings.  Mrs. Gibbons does not appreciate comments he has made to the public that the board is remiss in their duties.

The Board has tried progressive discipline in trying to resolve these issues with Mr. Needham

Molalla River School District
Board of Education - Minutes
September 12, 2002

Mrs. Beyer stated Mr. Needham has approached a fine line in expressing his opinions. The line is between freedom of speech, and belittling the decisions of the Board. His tone is very sarcastic towards the Board's decisions. She referred back to the working agreements that once a decision has been made that we work together as a Board.

Mr. Gierke stated that he feels that the web site and the mass media has become a platform for Mr. Needham. This is what undermines what we try to do as a group. As a Board we must listen to one another and listen to our individual viewpoints, but then we must work together. Inflammatory remarks are expressed in the letter and on the web site.

Mr. Needham asked that the specific violations be included in the resolution.

M02-20        A motion was made by Mrs. Gibbons, seconded by Mrs. Munson that board
                    member Jim Needham is in violation of the following: Policy BBAA -
                    Individual Board Member's Authority and Responsibilities; Policy BBF
                    - Board Member Ethics, and; Board of Directors Working Agreements. Mr.
                    Jim Needham, board member, is hereby censured.

Recess at 9:30 p.m.
Reconvene at 9:39 p.m.

M02-21           A motion was made by Mr. Kraxberger, to amend the original motion by striking the last statement, Mr. Jim Needham, board member, is hereby censured.

The Board received copies of the Chair's working document that quoted sections of the policies and working agreement that Mr. Needham had violated.

Board members reviewed this document and made revisions.

Mr. Kraxberger stated that two members of the Board had given Mr. Needham notice in
November 2001. He has now, by his choice, been given a second notice in public. Mr.
Kraxberger could go along with the resolution if Mr. Needham is told that if there is another occurrence he would then be censured.

Mr. Needham asked if he was allowed to vote. Mr. Gierke stated that by law he is required to vote.

Mr. Gierke seconded the amendment. Motion failed 3-4 (Palmer,
Gibbons, Beyer opposing)

M02-22            A motion was made by Mr. Gierke, seconded by Mrs. Beyer to amend the main motion by striking bullet 2 on policy BBAA, and striking bullets 3, 4, 5 and 6 on policy BBF and adding the first paragraph of policy BBF - Board members will treat other Board members, the superintendent, staff and the public with dignity and courtesy and will provide an opportunity for all parties to be heard with due respect for their opinions. Motion passed. 6-0 (Needham abstaining)

Molalla River School District
Board of Education - Minutes
September 12, 2002

Before voting on the main motion, Mr. Needham was once again given the opportunity to speak.  He stated that he is dismayed and feels this is a violation of the working agreements that he is being accused of violating. He feels this could have been handled more effectively in a more professional and appropriate manner.

The vote was called for on the main motion as stated including the amendment.  Motion passed. 4-2 (Kraxberger, Gierke opposing) (Needham abstaining)

Mr. Kraxberger would like to give Mr. Needham the benefit of the doubt since this issue was brought up in public. This would be like issuing a statement that third strike and you are out; this one being strike two.

Chair Palmer stated that the vote has been taken and it is now time for the Board to move on.

Opening of School
Dr. Ericksen gave a brief report on first day of school. Opening day went remarkable well.
  Overall our elementary enrollment is down in every school. Middle and high school is up and this shows we are doing a better job of keeping students in school. Dr. Ericksen reported that she is very impressed with the professionalism of all the staff in all the buildings. They were positive with the kids in spite of our large class sizes, reduction in staff and the reduction in state funding.

Policies BHB - Board Member Training Development and BHD
There has been quite a bit of discussion on the financial situation of the district. Chair Palmer had made the suggestion that if board members are going to attend these meetings, they should pay for themselves. This has become a controversial subject.

M02-23            A motion was made by Mr. Needham, seconded by. Mr. Kraxberger that the District pays for two people to attend. Motion failed 1-6 (Palmer, Gibbons, Munson, Beyer, Kraxberger, Gierke)

All Board members are free to go at their own expense.

Meeting Dates
The worksession that had been scheduled for September 26 has been moved to September 23.  John Gardner will be speaking at that meeting. Superintendents and boards from the surrounding area have been invited to attend.

Working Agreements
It was Mr. Needham's intent to have the Board revisit their working agreements, no later than November, in a worksession set aside just for that topic. Due to the calendar of upcoming meetings Mr. Needham was asked if this topic could be placed under Old Business in October for discussion. This was satisfactory to Mr. Needham.

Molalla River School District
Board of Education - Minutes
September 12, 2002

Consent Agenda

M 02-24           A motion was made by Mr. Gierke, seconded by Mrs. Beyer to approve the consent agenda as presented.

Mr. Needham called for corrections to the minutes of August 9. Those corrections will be so noted.

The vote was called for on the original motion as corrected. Passed unanimously. 7-0

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m.

Chair                                                                            Superintendent
