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"A Former Board member's view from the OTHER side of the table."
Molalla River "BoardWatch" Website

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It's a good time to pray for terrorist victims!

Since the Board of Education will no longer be providing video-taping for cablecast (effective July, 2002), suspended delivery of the "Molalla River Reporter" and stopped communication with the "Educational Ambassadors" (September, 2002) I have tried to provide information regarding education concerns for interested persons:


Molalla River School District
Board of Education – Minutes
July 11, 2002


Board members present:            Mary Beyer, Karyn Gibbons, Steve Kraxberger, Deneen Munson, Jim Needham, Janette Palmer

Staff present:                            Alice Ericksen/Superintendent; Pam Monte/Administrative Assistant Dave Peterson/Business Manager

Audience:         2

Chair Kraxberger called the meeting of the Molalla River School District Board of Education to order at 7:40 p.m. and established that a quorum was present.


Chair Kraxberger welcomed members of the audience and asked that they join in the flag salute.

The new business manager, Dave Peterson, was introduced to the Board and the audience.

Maureen Phillips, Community Schools Coordinator, introduced two members of the cast of "Annie", Amanda Herman - Annie, and Pamela Hough - Miss Hannigan. Each performed a song from the production.


Election of 2002-2003 Officers

The first order of business for the 2002-2003 Board of Education was to elect new officers.

Mary Beyer nominated Janette Palmer for the position of Chairperson. Deneen Munson seconded the nomination.

M02-01:             A motion was made by Mrs. Beyer, seconded by Mrs. Munson to close the nominations. Passed unanimously. 6-0

Newly elected Chair Janette Palmer thanked Mr. Kraxberger for his support and guidance as Board Chair over the past year.

Mrs. Beyer nominated Deneen Munson for the position of Vice Chair. Mrs. Gibbons seconded the nomination.

Mrs. Munson nominated Mrs. Beyer for the position of Vice Chair

Following the casting of ballots, Mrs. Munson was elected to the position of Vice Chair.

Establish Location and Time of Meetings

M02-02:     A motion was made by Mrs. Gibbons, seconded by Mrs. Beyer that the Molalla River
              School District retains the same dates, locations and times for their meetings as in the past.
              The regular business meetings will be held on the second Thursday of each month at 7:30
                 p.m. in the Molalla City Library Community Room. The worksessions will be held on the
              fourth Thursday of each month beginning at 7:00 p.m. with the location rotating among the
              schools in the district. Passed unanimously. 6-0


Molalla River School District
Board of Education – Minutes
July 11, 2002

Approve 2001-2002 Enabling Resolutions

Dr. Ericksen explained that the passage of the Enabling Resolutions is a general housekeeping issue that the Board must do at the beginning of each fiscal year. The only major change in the proposed resolutions is the increase in breakfast and lunch prices for students. This raise in rates is being made because the District uses any money left over in our food service account to replace and purchase equipment for our kitchens. Consequently, if we do not raise the rates and we need to purchase equipment, we would have to take it out of the general fund.

M02-03:            A motion was made by Mrs. Gibbons, seconded by Mrs. Gibbons to approve the 2002-2003 Enabling Resolutions. Passed unanimously. 6-0



Information - Neighbor-to-Neighbor Program


Molalla High School students, Carly Bodle, Lade Tiemer and Sarah Ballini, came before the Board asking them to consider making Molalla High School and open campus. They had just learned that the high school would have two lunch periods next year to help to alleviate the overcrowding during the lunch period. The students provided the Board with their research that stated both pros and cons for making an open campus.

The Board would like time to have conversations with the high school administration and the teachers to get their input before responding. The Board thanked the students for their presentation and will respond back to them at the August meeting.

Bill Clarke stated that if the Board does organize a committee to review the facilities policy then he feels there ought to be equal community representation, as there are Board members. He would like to serve on the committee.


Second Reading of Policies

The Board of Education approved the following policies as a first reading at their June meeting. They are now ready for a second reading and adoption.

M02-04:            A motion was made by Mrs. Gibbons, seconded by Mrs. Munson, that the Board of Education approve the following policies for a second reading/adoption:

                        1. EEBB - Use of Private Vehicles for School Business

                        2. IGBHA - Alternative Education Programs

                        3. IGBHB - Establishment of Alternative Education Programs

                        4. IGBHC - Alternative Education Notification

                        5. IFCA - 21st Century Schools Councils

                        6. JGEA - Alternative Education Programs

                        7. JHCA - Physical Examinations

                        8. JHCA/JHCB - Immunizations and Health Examinations

                        Passed unanimously. 6-0

Request to Waive Facility Use Fees for American Cancer Society

Molalla River School District
Board of Education – Minutes
July 11,2002

Last month Shaney Wanner requested that the Board waive the facilities use fee charged to the American Cancer Society for the Molalla Relay for Life. The Board elected to take action on the request at the July meeting, allowing time for the District to gather information for the Board.

Mrs. Munson stated that when the committee put together the new facilities use policy there were some things that they did not consider; such as organizations providing their own restroom facilities and garbage pickup, or fees for wear and tear on the of keeping up our facilities. The American Cancer Society used only the field, no lights and no facilities. She would like the Board to consider reducing the fees, as the District did not incur expenses other that the use of walking on the track.

Chair Palmer stated that the position of the District staff is to implement the policy established by the Board. The American Cancer Society was charged as an out of district non-profit organization and was charged a fee of $2,300 for the use of the field. If the Board does not wish to support the policy, then it should go back to committee so that a policy can be developed that the entire Board would support.

It was suggested that this event, the Molalla Relay for Life, be classified as a community event as the chair is a community member. It was also suggested to implement the new fee schedule, which went into effect on July 1, for this event although it took place May 31 -June 2.

M02-105:           A motion was made by Mrs. Munson, seconded by Mrs. Beyer that the American Cancer Society be moved to a category 10, of the new fee schedule, and the fee be reduced to $115.00

A motion was made by Mr. Needham that if this fee schedule is used for this event, then it should be applied to anyone who applied for facility used after April 22 (the application date on the facilities use application from the American Cancer Society).

Motion died for lack of a second.

If the old fee schedule was used, and the Americana Cancer Society was reclassified to a category 3 the fee would be under $300.

Mrs. Munson and Mrs. Beyer withdrew their motion.

M02-05:            A motion was made by Mrs. Munson, seconded by Mrs. Beyer that the Relay for Life would remain under the previous facility use policy, but that they will be reclassified as a category 3. The fee will be reduced to $286.75. Motion passed 4-2 (Kraxberger, Needham opposing)

Mr. Needham asked to go on record stating his opposition is because he does not think anyone should be charged for the use of the school district's facilities.

The Board as a whole will discuss the Facilities Use Policy at their scheduled worksession on September 26 at Clarkes Elementary School.

For now, the Board directed the District to inform applicants that this policy is going back to the Board for review and changes may occur. Until that time the district will operate under the new policy and charge fees as stated. Should changes be made, they will be retroactive to July 1,2002.

INFORMATION District Goals

The Board discussed whether they needed to schedule a worksession to work on goals or if the Board wanted to continue working on the goals set last year.

Molalla River School District

Board of Education – Minutes

July 11,2002


M02-06:            A motion was made by Mrs. Gibbons, seconded by Mrs. Munson that the Board accept the goals set in 2001-02, with exception for the goal on holding a worksession on Magnet Schools, for the 2002-03 school year. Motion passed. 5-1 (Needham opposing)


Worksession Schedule

The following worksession schedule was set.

2002-2003 Worksession Schedule




July 25

City Library

Superintendent Search-

Search Firm Presentations

August 22

City Library

Board training on systemic change

September 26


Facilities Use Policy Review

October 24

Maple Grove

MHS Strategic Planning Graduation Requirements

November 21

Dickey Prairie





January 23

Molalla High


February 27

Middle School

Executive Session ORS 192.660(l)(a) - Personnel

March 20



April 24

Rural Dell


May 22

Middle School


June 19th

District Office


School Improvement Plans/ District Improvement Plan

Possible Topics:

Ø      Implementation of Systemic Change

Ø      Long Range Facility Committee

Molalla River School District
Board of Education – Minutes
July 11, 2002


Following the September election the Board may need to look at revising the budget. Chair Palmer feels that we must anticipate that nothing will pass and that we need to look at ways to cut the budget now. Dr. Ericksen was directed to enter into negotiations with the two associations to begin discussion on the concept of cutting days in the calendar.


Recess at 9:35 p.m. Reconvened


Special Board Meeting Notification

It was agreed upon by the Board that phone calls would be made to all Board members for any changes that are made to an upcoming meeting that have not been discussed at a previous meeting.


Mr. Kraxberger stated that Mr. Gierke has asked for the information he had requested at the June 13 meeting pertaining to the funding for the Director of Supported Education and the Director of Instruction. Chair Palmer asked the superintendent to provide this information in the next information packet to the Board.

Neighbor to Neighbor Project

Dr. Ericksen provided the Board with a handout showing the project summary from the Neighbor-to-Neighbor project that took place.


The Board requested that a letter be sent to the LDS Church thanking them for heading up this neighborhood project.


Mrs. Gibbons made some amendments to the minutes of the June 13 meeting and the June 18 meeting minutes.


M02-07:            A motion was made by Mrs. Gibbons, seconded by Mrs. Beyer to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Passed unanimously. 6-0


Long Range Facility Committee - Mr. Gierke would like the .board to look more at growth in our buildings rather that just repair and maintenance.


There being no additional business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.









Molalla River School District
Board of Education — Minutes
July 25, 2002

Board Members Present:          Ralph Gierke, Steve Kraxberger, Deneen Munson, Jim Needham, Janette Palmer

Staff present:                           Alice Ericksen/Superintendent; Pam Monte/Administrative Assistant

Guest:                                      Michael Nickless (6:45 p.m.)



Chair Janette Palmer called the executive session meeting of the Molalla River School District Board of Education to order at 6:30 p.m. and established that a quorum was present.

The purpose of this meeting is to allow the Board of Education to consider records that are exempt from disclosure under ORS 192.660, section 1, subsection (a) - Personnel.


The meeting recessed into open session at 7:00 p.m. and reconvened into executive session at 9:05 p.m.


There being no farther business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.






