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Since the Board of Education will no longer be providing video-taping for cablecast (effective July, 2002), suspended delivery of the "Molalla River Reporter" and stopped communication with the "Educational Ambassadors" (September, 2002) I have tried to provide information regarding education concerns for interested persons:


Molalla River School District
Board of Education — Minutes
Regular Board Meeting
February 13, 2003

Board members present: Mary Beyer, Karyn Gibbons, Ralph Gierke, Steve Kraxberger, Deneen
  Munson, Jim Needham
Staff present:                      Alice Ericksen/Superintendent, Dave Peterson, Business Manager,
                                            Pam Monte/Administrative Assistant

Vice Chair Deneen Munson called the meeting of the Molalla River School District Board of Education to order at 7:35 p.m. and established that a quorum was present.
Elementary Principal Presentation
Michael Nickless, principal at Clarkes and Dickey Prairie Elementary Schools, reported on the events at both schools. In April the 4th graders will participate in swimming lessons and Kindergarten Roundup will take place at all the elementary schools April 15-18. Mr. Nickless reported on current events taking place in all six of our elementary schools.
ASAP Program - Molalla River Middle School
Fred Niemiec, principal at Molalla River Middle School, gave special recognition to Jess Rickman and Joel Hoffman, teachers of the Alternative Student Assistance Program.
Joel Hoffman provided the Board with information on the program. He stated that the program has helped 2-5% of the students with behavior problems at the middle school level. He focuses on getting these kids to school and to help them to be successful. The program helps to build positive feelings with some of the families in our community.
Information: Superintendent Search Calendar
Old Business: Swimming Pool Update
Information/Discussion: HB 2415 - School Accountability Enhancement Act
Tanya Earle, teacher at MHS, stated that communication between teachers and the Board has been lax as teachers have the fear of losing their jobs. She expressed her disdain between the district administration, the Board and the teachers. She stated that we need to stop working against each other and come together to save the sinking ship.
Linda Miller, teacher MRMS, stated that one of the success stories is the multi-age program where each child feels valuable. She does not feel valuable to this community. She is having to take a second job to support her family due to the reduction of days.
Bill Clark spoke as a representative of the Mulino Lions Club. The sight and hearing testing trailer visited each elementary school and tested the students. Mr. dark thanked the schools for all the support they gave to the volunteers.

Molalla River School District
Board of Education - Minutes
February 13, 2003
Barb Drennan, MREA president and teacher at Mulino Elementary, announced to the Board that the MREA members conducted a secret ballot vote on the Memorandum of Understanding, which was ratified. Ms. Drennan stated that both staff and students will pay a heavy price with the cutting of these days. She expressed her disappointed with the Board's position during the meeting on January 30th.  Their actions have devalued our employees.
Victoria Meier, teacher at MHS, expressed her disappointment with the State not coming up with funding for the schools.
Ratify Memorandum of Understandings
Dr. Ericksen announced that both of our bargaining groups, the MREA and the OSEA, have ratified the Memorandum of Understandings pertaining to the cutting of days for the 2002-03 school year.
Mr. Gierke stated that he is not happy to be in this position. The state has placed the financial burden on the pocket books of our staff members and on the education of our students. We must all work together to get through these tough times.
M02-53       A motion was made by Mr. Gierke, seconded by Mrs. Gibbons, that the Board of
                  Education ratify the Memorandum of Understanding with the Molalla River
                     Education Association regarding the change in the calendar for the 2002-03 school
                     year. Passed unanimously. 6-0
Mr. Needham asked to go on record that he approved the motion for the sake of unanimity of the Board.
M02-54      A motion was made by Mr. Kraxberger, seconded by Mr. Gierke, that the Board of
                  Education ratify the Memorandum of Understanding with the OSEA regarding the
                    change in the calendar for the 2002-03 school year.  Passed unanimously. 6-0
Revised Calendar
As a result of the negotiations with our employee groups and the cutting of 15 days, it is necessary for the Board to readopt the calendar for the 2002-03 school year. It was stated that every staff member in the district is affected by the 15 day cut. Each employee is suffering the loss
M02-55      A motion was made by Mrs. Gibbons, seconded by Mr. Kraxberger, that the Board of
                    Education approve the revised 2002-03 school calendar that reflects the cutting of 15
                    student days. Passed unanimously. 6-0
Reschedule March Board Meeting
With the change in the 2002-03 school calendar March 13 falls on a non-work day. Therefore, it is necessary for the Board to reschedule their meeting as the District is closed on this day.
M02-56      A motion was made by Mrs. Gibbons, seconded by Mr. Gierke, that the Board of
                 Education reschedule the March meeting to March 6, 2003. Passed unanimously. 6-0

Clackamas ESD 2003-04 Resolution Services
The ESD provides services that the District could not afford on its own. Each year the school districts in Clackamas County are asked to review and approve the resolution services provided by the ESD.  These services must be approved by two-thirds of the school district boards representing a majority of the students in Clackamas County.  There are currently 10 school districts; therefore, 7 school district boards must approve a service in order for the ESD to provide the service.
                            M02-57      A motion was made by Mr. Kraxberger, seconded by Mrs. Beyer, that the Board of
                    Education approve the proposed Clackamas Education Service District Resolution
                    Services # 2-5, 7, 9-14 for 2003-04. Passed unanimously. 6-0
2003-04 Budget Calendar
The first step in preparation for next year's budget session is to have the Board approve the Budget Calendar.  Mr. Needham requested that the Board consider beginning the budget process before May 6, 2003 and perhaps next month.   It was the consensus of the Board to schedule one additional worksession on March 11 to begin the budget discussion.

M02-58      A motion was made by Mr. Gierke, seconded by Mr. Needham to approve the 2003-
                    2004 Budget Calendar as amended. Passed unanimously. 6-0
Energy Efficiency Project
At the January worksession the Board received a report pertaining to initiating an energy efficiency project for the entire district. Should the Board wish to move forward with this project Larry Owings stated that the Board would need to approve the concept thus allowing the district to go forward in developing the specifications for the project and moving forward with a request for proposal. Dan Hand, Viron Energy Services, was present to answer questions from the Board.

Mr. Owings stated that the replacement of the HVAC for the buildings on the South side of the street at Mulino Elementary had been omitted from the original proposal and has now been included. This project will improve air quality throughout our district. Mr. Owings stated that we have three facilities that have acceptable air quality, Molalla Elementary, Molalla High School and the Natural Resource Center. All others will have air quality improved as well as energy efficiency through this project.
Roberta Kornblum stated that she supports this concept but Mulino Elementary School has high CO2 levels. She encouraged the district to get started with air quality improvements as soon as possible.

M02-59      A motion was made by Mr. Needham, seconded by Mr. Kraxberger that the Board
                    approve moving forward with the Energy Efficiency Project for the district. Passed
                    unanimously. 6-0
Dr. Ericksen took the opportunity to thank Larry for saving the district hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years.
Guidance and Counseling Curriculum
Sandy Pellens, Director of Curriculum, provided the Board with a copy of the proposed curriculum for the counseling department. She stated that there is a state requirement to have this curriculum, but there are no state standards as to what goes into this curriculum. Until we get counselors back in all of our schools we will be pulling bits and pieces out of this curriculum. This will come before the Board in March for adoption. Copies of the curriculum will be made available in the curriculum office as well as in the superintendent's office for anyone to review.  The Board would like to see the counselors highlight what they think they can accomplish.

Additional Public Comment
Sandy Pellens announced that the Oregon ASCD published an article on our student assessment
Jane Carlson, vice president of OSEA Chapter 110, stated that she was offended by comments made by a board member on two occasions during the negotiation process and tonight. She stated that we need to find a common ground to help us through this difficult time.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Chair                                                                                                                              Superintendent