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Glossary of Data Communications Terms

Courtesy Enterprise-Wide Computing, Inc.

Term: router
Definition: A software and hardware connection between two or more networks, usually of similar design, that permits traffic to be routed from one network to another on the basis of the intended destinations of that traffic. A NetWare router, formerly known as an internal or external bridge, can connect networks that use different network adapters or transmission media as long as both sides of the connection use the same protocols. If a router is located in a server, it is called an internal router; if located in a workstation, it is called an external router. The hardware and software necessary to link two subnetworks of the same network together; the hardware and software necessary to link two subnetworks at the Network Layer of the OSI Reference Model; any machine responsible for making decisions about which of several paths network traffic will follow. At the lowest level, a physical network bridge is a router because it chooses whether to pass packets from one physical wire to another. Within a long haul network, each individual packet switch is a router because it chooses routes for individual packets. In the Internet, each IP gateway is a router because it uses IP destination addresses to choose routes.

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