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Glossary of Data Communications Terms

Courtesy Enterprise-Wide Computing, Inc.

Term: parity
Definition: The quality of sameness or equivalence, in the case of computers usually referring to an error-checking procedure in which the number of ones ('1's) must always be the same--either even or odd--for each group of bits transmitted without error. If parity is checked on a per-character basis the method is called vertical redundancy checking, or VRC; if checked on a block-by-block basis, the method is called longitudinal redundancy checking, or LRC. In typical modem-to-modem communications, parity is one of the parameters that must be agreed upon by sending and receiving parties before transmission can take place. Types of parity are shown below. Related terms include ASCII, byte, bit, parity bit, parity check, and parity error. Even parity: The number of 1s in each successfully transmitted set of bits must be an even number. Odd parity: The number of 1s in each successfully transmitted set of bits must be an odd number. No parity: No parity bit is used. Space parity: A parity bit is used and is always set to zero (0). Mark parity: A parity bit is used and is always set to one (1).

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