This is an internet teaching tool
compiled for learning the fundamentals of AutoCAD©.
At the end of this course the
student will know how to:
 | Enter the AutoCAD©
application and create a new drawing
 | Save and restore an existing drawing in AutoCAD©
 | Create objects in AutoCAD©
 | Edit objects in AutoCAD©
Grading will be based on the
submission and evaluation of assigned drawings
The following terms shall apply.
Payment will be in advance for each
$10.00 section, and final exam, of the series.
There will be five sections and a final
Each section will
consist of a tutorial, a drawing assignment, and a brief quiz.
 | Upon receipt of first $10.00 payment the
URL for the first assignment will e-mailed.
 | These terms shall apply to each element of
the series.
To enroll in a class, e-mail the following information to Vector Graphics©
(select the animated envelope below):
Address (Street/PO Box, City, State, Zip):
Telephone number:
Method of payment:
E-mail address: