
06-29-03 Meeting
Kristin & Peter Wed
09-15-02 Meeting
6/10/2000 Meeting
Genealogy Page



Any person related to a member of the Needham Family, either by birth or naturalization (marriage, adoption, in vitro, cloning, etc), may claim Cousins' Club member rights and participate in all Cousins' Club activities.  Dues will be directly proportional to don'ts.


The Cousins' Club shall be governed by organized anarchy, and subject to the consent of the governed.


The Cousins' Club leadership shall consist of a Chairperson, Social Director, and Webmaster.

Chairperson shall serve as chief spokesperson, and serve as long as they continue to speak.

Social Director will be determined by any member of the Cousins' Club who remembers the date, location, and time of the next Cousins' Club meeting.

Webmaster shall be anyone who has the ability and/or desire to manage the Cousins' Club Website, and is either misguided enough to volunteer or is absent from the meeting at which they are appointed.